So I'm guessing I have to report on the last two weeks.
Week -8 was OK. The general aerobic and medium long runs were fine. The street 1/2-mile interval splits were 3:18, 3:15, 3:20, 3:20, 3:17 for an average of 3:18. Yes, that's slow. 98 sec 400 m, 47 VDOT. Excuses? Not much. Weather was nice, perhaps just that it was after a full day of teaching. I'll just train by 47 VDOT for now. Everything else is a bonus.
Week -7 was supposed to be at peak mileage. I couldn't get myself to do my Wednesday run though. Dark, cold, late, tired - and a 11-miler with an LT portion. No...
So on Thursday, which was supposed to be a rest day, I showed up at Thirsty Thursday, and in lieu of the Wednesday workout (which is not supposed to be made up), I decided to go with the fastest group I can follow. A new friend, Sam Meredith showed up, and he is a 1:10 half-marathoner. So I did my best to make it somewhat interesting for him, and we ran some fast miles. Not very long, not very structured, but I did run some low 7 paces.
And yes, I finished up the week. 12 + 5 + 20 miles, running 48 miles in 4 days. It nearly broke me... but I'm here, ready to do a workout after a single day of rest. I'm going to the Middletown Christian Church parking lot to do it with some friends. Plan and report later tonight.