Thursday, December 13

OK, here is how today went: I went to the group trail run, but nobody was there (I was 5 minutes late, so maybe they left, though that would be surprising given that they knew I was coming). I decided to do my 4 mile tempo. But I was sort of unprepared, it was dark and cold, and I just didn't have the will to run fast beyond mile 2. And my right shoelace was kind of loose. So I stopped, tied my shoe, ran 3:30 recovery and then 2 more miles fast. Even in the intervals I wasn't very fast, and the worse is that I was gradually slowing during both of my intervals. So I'm officially in a rut.

It does look like I hit this place every November-December. It may be seasonal. I'm not too worried still. My splits were still OK, I still ran some decent LT workout today. My ankle is not really better, but at least it's also not worse.


Crazy J said...

It seems like I always slump in late Summer-early Fall though there is usually an explanation. I do think it could be seasonal.

csab said...

I think you are right. I only have to look back to last winter to see a similar pattern.