Saturday, February 15

I've finished week -11 reasonably well. I did all my miles. I cut the LT run to 5.5 miles, because I don;t want to go over 40 minutes, and because it sucked big time, and I was much slower than I expected.

My splits on that run were 6:58, 7:13, 7:19, 7:15, 7:15, 3:32 for the last 1/2 mile. After the first sub-7 mile, I knew it wasn't going to happen, so I slowed and ran the rest by feel. Well, that was my threshold on that day, in that temperature (29 F), in that part of the training. This comes out to be 7:11/mile on average. It looks like I'm not any faster than I was in October. This, and the MP run points to 47 VDOT, as opposed to my 48 VDOT in October. In fact, reading back my blog, I don't look any faster than in the last cycle. The only saving grace here is that I am much farther out.

Week -9:

S: Rest

M: 6 R

T: 14 MLR

W: 6 R

T: Rest

F: 6 R w/ 6 x 100 

S: 16 w/ 12 @ MP

Total: 48 miles

The only hard one is Saturday, but that's  plenty hard. I'll go out at 7:30's, and I'll see how long I can maintain it.

Also, the weather forecast is brutal. Wednesday will be snowing and temps are in the 10s, so that's a treadmill run for sure. Even Tuesday will be quite cold (low 20s), but I'll try that outside. The problem is that the snow won't melt until next week. So I may need to do my Saturday run indoors as well.

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