Sunday, February 9

From my last post: "Last cycle this time I was was trouble. I skipped so many runs that I had to change to the 12 week cycle. At least I seem to be in better shape now."

Well, I jinxed it... I had a very busy Monday, and I just couldn't get myself to get out the door in the evening, in the dark and cold to do a 5-mile LT run. So I didn't. And as it happens sometimes, I just didn't run until Friday.

On Friday, I finally broke the spell, and I ran 7 miles. And on Saturday, I ran 17, the longest until now.

Why these mileages? I have no idea. Somehow I managed to totally misread the plan, because the Saturday run was supposed to be 18. Too late... The frosting on a bad week.

Let's try to correct it next week. It will be large.

M: 7 R w/ 6 x 100

T: 12 MLR

W: Rest

T: 10 w/ 6 @ LT (probably make that 40 minutes instead).

F: 5 R

S: 20 L

Total: 54 miles. LT should be under 7 min/mile, but who knows. It may be too hard. Medium and long runs should be a bit slower, because of the brutal mileage and effort.

The Thursday workout sucks, because if I do it at Thirsty Thursday, it will have to be solo. Maybe I'll do it in the morning.

Edit: I just realized an additional complication that Saturday is the MSF meeting. I think there is still no other way to do this week than running that day. But it won't be much fun!

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