Tuesday, October 1

Great progress on Week -5.

The Saturday threshold went well: I managed 5.59 miles in 40 minutes. That's a 7:09 pace, spot on 47 VDOT.

Then, on Monday (in Fall Break), I ran my first 20 miler since the KDF Marathon preparation, and I averaged 8:13/mile (moving). According to Daniels, that's the fastest allowable pace for 48 VDOT, so it was a bit too fast, probably. I did lose some time filling my water bottles and crossing some roads, though probably that's not any help. Also, it was still hot. 78 degrees, 68% humidity.

I'm trying to plan my Week -4 around a weekend conference and sailing regatta. Sunday running is basically out, and Saturday is limited (no long run). Maybe, honestly, the best would be to skip both days. In fact, since the week after that is hard, I'm thinking something like this:

T: 4 R (already done)

W: 8 w/ 5 x 600

T: 5.25 GA or whatever the longest run is on Thirsty Thursday

F: 17 L in the morning. Conference starts in the afternoon.

S: some recovery on the trails, max 10

S: sailing

This is a somewhat decreased mileage, because there is a mid-week 11-miler in the plan, but I'll substitute that with the Thursday run. I can't do much on Thursday, because Friday is the only day for the long run. This way I also catch up, and perhaps be even more rested with no running on Sunday. And with the delayed 20-miler on Monday, it actually will be a pretty large volume week.

Paces for the 600s is 2:27. That is 6:34 min/mile.

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