Tuesday, July 2

I finished the race week with only 21 miles. Then the following week started with a couple of motorcycle classes (Sunday I took one, Monday to Wednesday I taught one), so no running. Then flew to New York on June 28 to meet up with my family.

I did run! 5 miles in Union City, NJ which was a lot of fun. I was not fast, but it was nice. I ran another 5 on the 29th, also in Union City, and then we drove to Lewiston, NY, when I had a 6.3 mile run by the beautiful Niagara River.

On July 1st, my training started, in true Pfitzinger manner: a rest day. I used it to walk many miles at the Niagara Falls State Park. Then today I drove home from there, and I did my first actual training run: in true Pfitzinger manner it was a workout.

So that was today: 2 easy + 4 LT + 2 easy. I aimed to run the easy portion at 9:00/mile, and the LT portion at 7:25, according to 45 VDOT. I ended up with splits 7:10, 7:21, 7:13, 7:10 for an average of 7:13.5. It felt spot on my lactate threshold, but it was also in adverse conditions: 84F, 62% humidity, and after driving all day. In any case, it shouldn't be a problem to train at 46 VDOT.

Here is the rest of the week:

W: Rest

T: 9 GA (Thirsty Thursday is perfect for this)

F: Rest

S: 4 R

S: 12 MLR

Total: 33 miles.

Paces: GA: 8:31 to 9:00, R: over 9:00, MLR: under 9:00.

I really should reread Pfitzinger. And incorporate stretching, core, and all in my training regimen.

The total is not too much, but the individual runs are kind of long. Still, I hope I'll deal with them just fine.

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