Tuesday, July 30

I've finished week -14 without any issue. I've done a 15-miler on Friday (compressed week, due to motorcycle teaching), and it went all fine. I did a 8:23 average, and a 7:42 last mile. All good.

Then the weekend went by teaching, and I got tempted, and I skipped Monday as well. It was hot, and I didn't feel good either. Also, this week, I don't have weekend teaching. So I just get back to the normal calendar.

It's not going to be easy. Today the heat index is brutal, and I have a 5-mile LT run. Oh my!

M: Rest

T: 9 w/ 5@LT

W: 5 R

T: 10 GA (Thirsty Thursday!)

F: Rest

S: 5 R

S: 16 w/ 10@M

Total: 45 miles.


LT 7:17, unless it feels too hot, and then I can go down to 7:25. But, if I go late enough, I should be OK. Maybe after sundown.

MP: sub-8. This really should be done in the Parklands.

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