Sunday, February 24

I finished last week with 62 miles, which I think is probably a record, though it did take 7 days instead of 6, and I had larger 7 weeks periods before (but with two long runs at the two ends). But the bad news is that I had a bad tempo run on Friday. 4 fast miles with splits 6:16.40, 6:31.69, 6:29.59, 6:26.90. Works out as 6:26.15 average. Yeah, I lost some seconds because bad timing of cars at intersections, but it should not account for the total inability to run another really fast mile after the first one. I mean for God's sake, this should be my half marathon pace by now. And I was done after 4 miles.

I'm not sure what it is, maybe just the miles, maybe the bourbon I've been sipping more than one evening, including the one before this tempo run. But I didn't drink all that much and I felt no hangover. In any case, after this run, I made a new decision: no bourbon until race day. I still had like 3 glasses of wine last night, but I still had a good 15 miler today.

Speaking of which I'm planning another record volume week. I'm not sure how it will go, because last week I had trouble putting in all those miles. In particular I had to squeeze in another 3.1 mile run on Saturday, which was supposed to be my rest day. But I think that actually worked nicely. It wasn't long enough to tire me out, but it shook out my muscles to have a better recovery. I felt no effect of my Friday tempo by my Sunday long run.

Week -9: Total of 66 miles
Long runs: 15 miles and 10 miles.

VO2 max: 5 x 3:00 moderately steep uphill. I'm almost positive I'll replace these with 800s, maybe a 1000 thrown in, because the 800s will be slightly less than 3 minutes. I just trust the track more than those hills, and my race will be totally flat.

Average distance for days other than long runs: 10.25 miles. It doesn't matter how get those in, but it would be nice to run two 6-milers on some less busy days.

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